Clubs must submit a Delegate Credentials Form so that their delegates will be able to vote in the Far West Ski Association (FWSA) elections on Sunday morning.
- Refer to the "Affiliated Member Voting Bloc Schedule” on the Delegate Credentials Form to calculate the number of voting delegates your club can register for this year's convention. The number of voting delegates is based on your current number of members.
- Record the names of the designated voting delegates to be registered from your club on the Delegate Credentials Form.
- Attach your club's current Member Roster (names only, please) to your Delegate Credentials Form. DO NOT include non-members or prospective individuals who are pending full active membership in your club.
- Designate a Delegation Chairperson from among your delegates.
- You may also attach a list of members who have passed away since the last convention to be included in the Roll of Remembrance on Saturday night.
Delegate Numbers will ONLY be issued to those
- Who are listed as a member on your Club Roster.
- Who are listed as a Voting Delegate on your Delegate Credentials Form.
- Whose payment of their Convention Registration has been received by the FWSA Convention Registrar.
- Whose Individual Registration Form has been submitted to the Registrar.
Delegation Chairperson Responsibility
- Classify all club delegates as voting or non-voting based on each delegate’s commitment to attend the Sunday business meeting.
- Delegates who do not intend to be at the business meeting should be classified as non-voting.
- Inform each delegate of their individual responsibilities.
- Inform each delegate of the general Convention program and special invited guests.